Thursday, April 19, 2012

Space and Place Shaping Plan for Shoreditch

Hackney council is proposing a plan to shape Shoreditch and they are inviting your views and comments.

The council wants to know what Shoreditch residents, and people who work in Shoreditch, think about the design and character of the area. What should the balance be between the needs of pedestrians, cyclists an vehicles? Should more trees to planted,or should vehicle speed be reduced? What about parking and cycle schemes?

If you have views on a vision for Shoreditch why not have your say?

You can complete the survey online or call 020 8356 3468 for more information.
The deadline for comments is 27 April.

Thursday, April 05, 2012

Sainsbury's Granted a Premises Licence

Wednesday, 4th April, 2012, Licensing Sub Committee D took a decision to grant a Premises Licence to Sainsbury's Supermarkets Ltd at 245 Old Street, EC1V 9EY.

You can see all the details on the council website.